Friday, April 9, 2010


I knew that once I entered that old gate, I would feel this way. For some reason, every time I step into the grounds of our ancestral home, I automatically let out a deep sigh of....something.

Relief, a sense of belonging, a slight spiritual rebirth...I guess it's all of that. Sitting in the confines of this house reminds me of a simpler, more innocent time spent building tree houses, taking the boat out across the pond to fish, or simply just climbing the huge mango tree, book in hand, and just reading the day away.

I still remember all of that. And being here again, seeing the old pictures on the wall, smelling the familiar scent of my youth all over the place, and roaming through the rooms, really has re-energized me.

Home does that to you. Home is a place where your spirit was fostered, and no other place on this planet can replace that.

The flood of memories affirmed one more thing...that I am going to be fine. Surrounded by all these reminded me of what is essential in life, and more often than not, it's these simple things that I've taken for granted.

I know it's time to cut the clutter off and return to who I was when I was here, a simple person with a contented heart. It is possible for anyone to come back home.

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