Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I was never good at goodbyes. I don't think anyone is.

Saying goodbye to someone or something will always leave you with a tinge of emptiness, a longing for that which was a part of your life in one way or another. This past month was filled with that and it all came at blinding speeds. A few days ago, my production team surprised me during my final shoot as a host of my show. The longing I mentioned came so dramatically, to the point that looking at each and every one of them made me realize how blessed I was to have worked with genuinely talented and true people. I could not contain my tears.

Life has been a roller coaster this past month and I have had to say goodbye to a loved one, to a select few I once considered family, to all of the jobs I previously had, and to the lifestyle that I've gotten so used to. Absolutely EVERYTHING from the life I had changed in the blink of an eye but in spite of this, blessings also came in all shapes and sizes. Right at this moment, I'm standing on the diving board, looking down at a pool of new experiences, new colleagues, new career opportunities and a list of other things just waiting for me to jump in. So I did.

I said goodbye to that part of my life, to that part of me and am now looking head on at this new chapter in my unfinished book. But saying goodbye does not mean forgetting all those who touched my life. You all know who you are and I am truly blessed to have you.

As they say, parting is such sweet sorrow. But holding the beautiful memories close to your heart will always dull the pain of physical separation. So I am holding on to all of that and feeding my soul as it trudges down a new road. Our paths will cross again someday, I know it, but until then, goodbye and thank you. You are all loved and will always be loved.

- To my A Round Of Golf family: Thank you for the happiness, the tough times, the confusion, the laughter, the sessions, the crying, the long talks, the quiet moments, the road trips, the VO's, the private jokes and the not so private ones, the trust, the squabbling, and especially for bearing with me through these tough times. You are truly and will always be my family. Keep your head down and your eyes on the ball guys!!

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